This is my dad. My mom died several yea

rs ago and he's been hiding out in the house ever since.
Today.... I belive was his happiest day since the day she died and I am pleased I got to share
this happy day with him.
:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

The first picture is of the forms. To make the forms we used what my dad called "masonite". Well... actually it's what Menards called masonite. My dad wasn't so happy with it because it's not what he used years ago. I can't say I was very happy with it. Although the forms only sat for 3 days, every morning they seemed to "grow" just a little. Which gave us just a few more little curves to contend with. Grrr......
The morning we poured,

we set re-bar in the bottom and wired it together.

When the truck got to our house dad wasn't very happy
with the consistancy of the concrete and he had the driver add almost 7 gallons of water.
We ordered 3 yards, 6 bag mix, 6 inch slump.

The center of the patio was wet screeded.
(Not sure that's the right word, but that's what he called it.)
There was no guide in the middle of the patio so with his eyes,
he pulled the concrete to the proper level.

The patio area was bull floated.

Sidewalk poured and bull floated.

Then we waited. Dad makes this process look easy,
that's because he spent 53 years doin' concrete!

When the perfect moment came,
we edged the sidewalk and put the joints in it.
We also, "wiped it out" or as he calles it, "magged it".

The next thing was to broom it.
Brooming causes little marks in the sidewalk. Traction!

Nice curves!

This is the day the Lord has blessed!